Appending PDF files
One of the problems with MS Word is that it does not seem to allow the placement of objects (images or text blocks) completely independently of each other, so that they stay put and do not fly around. However, there are at least two perhaps three different layers available to MS Word users: the main part of the page, the header and the footer. Things placed in the header will not move no matter what you do the main part of the page. The draw back of using the header as a way of placing images is that things placed in the header are repeated on all pages of the Word document. So if you use the header to place an image you intend to be displayed on only one page, then you can must create seperate documents for each of your pages. This is what I do. I then give the publisher a set of pdf documents equal in number to the number of pages in my book. There are however times when one wants to have a multiple page pdf document such as for instance when publishing to Fortunately there is some free software for merging pdf files called Pdfmerge which will put the pdf files together again for you.